Oregon Potato Commission believes in supporting families, schools, and other groups in their endeavor to garden together and eat what they grow! The Grow This! Oregon Garden Challenge provides virtual visits to Oregon potato farms to learn about planting and harvesting from Oregon farmers! (learn more here!)
Grow This! Driving Sales of and Access to Specialty Crops
USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant totaling $175,000
Oregon's #1 vegetable is making splash with the Grow This! campaign to bring seed potatoes and vegetable seeds to thousands of students in classrooms across every county in the state. It's scientifically proven if children grow it they will eat it........and school kids eat more of every green vegetable on the plate when they're served with potatoes. Grow This! teaches kids how potatoes are planted, grown harvested and consumed in healthy ways. Ethnically diverse materials are made available for Indigenous peoples, African heritage, Micronesian and Latinx.
All of this is accomplished in partnership with Oregon State University, private businesses, other agricultural organizations, Oregon Department of Education, Master Gardeners, Food Hero and numerous cultural organizations.